mc-17.JPGHqs Service Battery, Mess Hall at Camp Enari115 viewsSp5 John O. Olson and Sp4 Herb C. Banks admiring the sign.
mc-1.JPGFrontal View 111 viewsThis is a frontal view of the 2/9th compound at LZ Oasis.
mc-8.JPGBattalion Staff109 viewsLeft - LtCol Redmond Forrester, Battalion Commander; Right - Major Jerry Orr, Tactical Operations Center (TOC).
mc-6.JPGPython, but not Monty's108 viewsSp4 Roy Ellsworth holds the working end of a dead python.
mc-5.JPGSgt Smith and Sgt Stewart104 viewsStanding among the tents of the 2/9th Oasis compound.
mc-15.JPGHqs Service Battery, Mess Hall at Camp Enari103 viewsSp5 John O. Olson and Sp6 Bob McLaughlin holding up the Mess Hall sign.
mc-11.JPGInterior View102 viewsNo names, but these two are enjoying the field mess hall.
mc-9.JPGCarpenter in chief101 viewsSFC Clyde A. Roker turns ammo boxes into building materials. His "regular job" was working in the Battalion TOC. In the rear at left is Jim Castelletti.
mc-12.JPGInterior View97 viewsYep...we done built a great mess hall.
mc-10.JPGThe Mess Hall94 viewsThis is the Mess Hall at LZ Oasis; it had a dirt floor. I don't know its origins. This is the building that we totally refurbished into a first class dining place.
mc-2.JPGLarge Tent92 viewsThis may have been "Home Sweet Home" for some of our redlegs at the Oasis.
mc-7.JPGHuey formation88 viewsA flight of Hueys departs the Oasis.