
mc-1.JPGFrontal View This is a frontal view of the 2/9th compound at LZ Oasis.

mc-2.JPGLarge TentThis may have been "Home Sweet Home" for some of our redlegs at the Oasis.

mc-3.JPGPFC David L. DurstRelaxing at the Oasis. The shower shoes look more comfortable than combat boots.

mc-4.JPGHere I Am!Yep...that's me. Sp6 Bob McLaughlin...I was the Mess Sergeant (Forward) for Headquarters Service Battery, 2/9th, at LZ Oasis. Behind me is a sea hut. The sea hut is temporary housing that was soon turned over to the South Vietnamese Army as our presence was winding down.

mc-5.JPGSgt Smith and Sgt StewartStanding among the tents of the 2/9th Oasis compound.

mc-6.JPGPython, but not Monty'sSp4 Roy Ellsworth holds the working end of a dead python.

mc-7.JPGHuey formationA flight of Hueys departs the Oasis.

mc-8.JPGBattalion StaffLeft - LtCol Redmond Forrester, Battalion Commander; Right - Major Jerry Orr, Tactical Operations Center (TOC).

mc-9.JPGCarpenter in chiefSFC Clyde A. Roker turns ammo boxes into building materials. His "regular job" was working in the Battalion TOC. In the rear at left is Jim Castelletti.

mc-10.JPGThe Mess HallThis is the Mess Hall at LZ Oasis; it had a dirt floor. I don't know its origins. This is the building that we totally refurbished into a first class dining place.

mc-11.JPGInterior ViewNo names, but these two are enjoying the field mess hall.

mc-12.JPGInterior ViewYep...we done built a great mess hall.