The historic, first-ever reunion of the artillerymen of the 2/9th FA was held at Ft. Sill, OK from May 29th thru June 1st. It was organized by Maj Jerry Orr (Ret).
209 files, last one added on Jan 07, 2014 Album viewed 84 times
The 35th Infantry Regiment, 1st Bn (Cacti Green) and 2nd Bn (Cacti Blue), hold their annual reunion. Members of the 2/9th who have served with their line units are invited to join. The 2007 reunion was in Philadelphia, PA.
17 files, last one added on Nov 27, 2007 Album viewed 34 times
The 10th Annual Reunion of the 35th Infantry (Cacti) Regiment was held on July 25 - 27, 2008 at the St Louis Millennium Hotel in St Louis, MO...right next to the famous Arch and a block away from the Cardinal's Busch Stadium.
51 files, last one added on Jul 31, 2009 Album viewed 63 times
Lots of knee braces, canes, hearing aids and spectacles as the old war veterans gather once again. "We Were Soldiers" is still true, but the "We Were Young" part is in doubt. The reunion was held at the Circus Circus in Reno, NV.
34 files, last one added on Aug 21, 2009 Album viewed 41 times