
HighSkyReno.jpgWelcome to Reno, Nevada!The Circus Circus Hotel was the 2009 home of the 35th Inf Regt annual reunion. Beautiful blue skies and clear weather greeted the attendees.

Bert-Tom.jpgThe Hospitality SuiteBert Landau and Tom Jones, 1/14th & 25th Inf Div rep get the party started in the hospitality suite.

Bert,_Dean,_Ed2.jpgHospitality SuiteWe can laugh now! FOs Bert Landau, Ed Thomas, and Gary Dean Springer enjoy the camaraderie long after the shooting ended.

Dunn,_Day.jpgThe Hospitality SuiteDistinguished men of A/2/35: David Dunn and Bobby Day.

Dunn,_etal.jpgThe Hospitality SuiteDavid Dunn, Bobby Day, Hal Bowling & Art Johnson. Bobby seems to be telling David one version of a war story and Hal tells Art what REALLY happened.

Bowling-Johnson.jpgThe Hospitality SuiteSuch BS! Hal Bowling and Art Johnson chuckle over the many tales told in the Hospitality Suite.

GDS,Roman,Keith.jpgThe Hospitality SuiteThe Redlegs: Gary Dean Springer, Tom Roman, and Don Keith represent the 2/9th Arty.

Marley,_Keith,Arnold.jpgHospitality SuiteHISTORIC MOMENT of the reunion: Bob Marley and Dick Arnold (right) had been "in-country" for just a few days when they got into a major battle. Don Keith (FO in center) was directing artillery, jet aircraft strafing, and napalm sorties in the battle. It was the first time these three men met since Vietnam.

Collins.jpg2009 Business MeetingCpt Dave Collins, C-1-35, addresses the annual business meeting of the 35th Inf Regt. Dave is the Scholarships Chair.

Bert,Dean,Ed.jpgCocktail PartyDave Collins and Jim Cooke of C-1-35 coordinated with Bert Landau (left) for a special reception combining the grunts with the redlegs in Mandalay-4 room of the hotel. Gary Dean Springer and Ed Thomas are center & right of the photo.

Bert.jpgCocktail PartyHow am I going to pay for all this? Looks like Bert Landau is doing some careful calculations since he gets the bill! Bert deserves the credit for organizing the special joint reception with C/1/35.

Thomas,Springer.jpgCocktail PartyComedy/Tragedy? This picture could go on any theater marquee! FOs Ed Thomas and Gary Dean Springer attend the cocktail party.