GDS-208.JPGHill 5481 viewsHill 54 complete. Home of the 1/14th Golden Dragons.
GDS-181.JPGDuc Pho village81 viewsTypical village hut in Duc Pho. Note the thatched roof.
GDS-25.JPGPlei Me80 viewsDean celebrating his 23rd birthday with the Special Forces Team at Plei Me inside the living quarters.
28 September 1966
GDS-42.JPGLZ 10B80 viewsSetting up the firing battery. Note that the trails have not been dug in.
GDS-125.JPGChow Time80 viewsNot too often, but mermite cans with hot food flown into jungle LZs instead of the all-too-familiar C-rations.
GDS-169.JPGQui Nhon80 viewsThe sights of Qui Nhon
GDS-207.JPGHill 5480 viewsHill 54 close up.
GDS-225.JPGArty Strike80 viewsVisual evidence of our artillery strikes.
GDS-Menu4.jpgChristmas, 1966 Menu80 viewsBack Cover: A Christmas Prayer
GDS-51.JPGRSOP-ing79 viewsLoad arrives at LZ 10B. Now the fun begins to set everything up once again. Sp4 John M. Waldman takes a rest on a downed tree at right.
GDS-79a.JPGSmoke 'em if you got 'em79 viewsSmoke break: BC Capt Higgins, XO Lt Daly, and FDO Lt Kermit DeVaughn.
GDS-136.JPGLZ 510B79 views"Call me back later, honey. We've got a lot going on".