
GDS-1.jpgFirst Day on the jobFirst day as FO for B-2-35. Lt Springer shows off his new accomodations on his first assignment.

RRs-1.JPGCombat SurvivalDean says when he first arrived as the FO for B-2-35, he was given a copy of "Standing Orders, Rogers Rangers." Dean kept it throughout his tour in Nam and just recently found it again.

RRs-2.JPGCombat SurvivalPage 2 of the Standing Orders, Rogers Rangers.
Sounds like good common sense for surviving in a combat zone.

GDS-2.jpgRecon SgtSgt Swift, Recon Sgt for B-2-35. He taught me much and very quickly.

GDS-3.jpgBattle TankM-48 battle tank on the perimeter of the b-2-35 location. It was the only time that we had one.

GDS-4.jpgCambodian borderBravo Company, 2nd Bn, 35th Inf Regiment. Cacti Blue. This LZ is located about 4 klicks from the Cambodian border.

GSD-5.jpgCambodian borderAnother look at the M48 Battle tank. Strange to see tanks in a jungle environment.

GDS-6.jpgCambodian borderA view towards the Cambodian border from the LZ location of B-2-35 where I was the brand new FO, otherwise known as "FNG".

GDS-7.JPGOctober, 1966Serving as the Arty Liaison

GDS-8.JPGLuxury accomodationsField tent next to howitzer emplacement.

GDS-9.JPGField officeMy home in the field.

GDS-10.JPGMeal timeAlways keep a good supply of C-rats handy.
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