GDS-13.JPGCharlie Battery83 viewsNote the use of 360-degree cannon emplacements. Ready to fire in any direction.
GDS-128.JPGTossing away83 viewsEvery LZ had a trash pit. The enemy would occasionally bury unexploded AF ordnance in there. Clever little bastards.
GDS-141.JPGREMF?82 viewsNo, just spending some rare time at the Brigade Base. December, 1966. Lt Kermit DeVaughn relaxes.
GDS-164.JPGQui Nhon82 viewsHouseboy sits with Lt Springer atop a hotel in Qui Nhon.
GDS-180.JPGAn Lao82 viewsThe valley and river of An Lao. Beautiful country disguises the bitter warfare.
GDS-185.JPGDuc Pho Orphanage82 viewsChildren of the orphanage. They are the ones you remember the most.
GDS-186.JPGDuc Pho82 viewsLong building with metal roof.
GDS-188.JPGDuc Pho82 viewsA village in Duc Pho.
GDS-192.JPGLZ Liz82 viewsClear "line-of-sight" to LZ Montezuma, called FSB Bronco by the grunts. The view from LZ OD is essentially the same. Over the hill is the South China Sea.
GDS-208.JPGHill 5482 viewsHill 54 complete. Home of the 1/14th Golden Dragons.
GDS-Menu1.jpgChristmas, 1966 Menu82 viewsFront Cover - Christmas, 1966 Menu
GDS-25.JPGPlei Me81 viewsDean celebrating his 23rd birthday with the Special Forces Team at Plei Me inside the living quarters.
28 September 1966