Most viewed - Gary Dean Springer

GDS-Menu3.jpgChristmas, 1966 Menu86 viewsChristmas Day Dinner Menu. In December, 1966, the 3rd Bde brought its troops back to firebases for a holiday break.

GDS-39.JPGThe Montagnards85 viewsGood shot of the local villagers near Plei Me.

GDS-83.JPGB-52 drops bomb85 viewsBomb crater from B-52 at LZ 503A.

GDS-121.JPGNVA Prisoner85 viewsPrisoner enroute. If you enlarge this photo, you will see just how long the rope is and the prisoner dangling well below the Huey and just above the tree line.

GDS-124.JPGLZ 510B85 viewsEverybody used the jeep. The jeep was primarily used as a back up power source for the FDC and battery commo systems in the event the generator went down. was the only soft spot where you could sit your butt down in the whole damn jungle.

GDS-179.JPGLZ Montezuma85 viewsA CH-47 on the resupply pad.

GDS-16.JPGPlei Me84 viewsCIDG compound at Plei Me.

GDS-44.JPGLZ 10B84 viewsLt Jim Daly, Alpha Battery XO, talks gunnery with the cannoneers. Note that you never stand between the trails or cross over the trails of a howitzer. Ft Sill says so.

GDS-145.JPGBattalion Commander84 viewsCapt Richard Higgins (BC, "A" Btry) , LtCol Bruce Holbrook 2/9th BnCO), Lt (Capt) Keith Carlton (new BC of "A" Btry). Photo dated 20 Dec 66.

GDS-146.JPGThe Bob Hope Show84 viewsBob Hope entertains the troops, December, 1966.

GDS-176.JPGThe Ammo Officer84 viewsLt Springer serving as the Bn Ammo officer for the 2/9th Arty at LZ Montezuma, Duc Pho. To heck with this job...I'm going back into the field. And he did just that.

GDS-195.JPGBooby trap bomb84 viewsCloser look at destroyed jeep. There were 4 engineers KIA in this incident.
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