The Mighty Ninth

Strive To Reach The Summit

Most viewed - Gary Dean Springer
GDS-220.JPGThe FO91 viewsMe in full gear serving as the FO for B-1-14.
GDSd.jpgA great big "thank you"91 viewsLtCol "Wild Bill" Miller of the 1/14th took the time to write a letter of thanks to an FO. Now, it's a prized possession 40 years later.
GDS-Cal-1.jpg"Short Timer's" Calendar91 viewsWoo-Hoo! Only 100 days left in-country. Some calendars started at 90 days, the same time the Bn Adjutant recorded you as a "90-day drop". Most everybody had a calendar.
GDS-11.JPGCharlie Battery90 viewsGun pit of "C" Battery, 2/9th. You can see the place getting organized.
GDS-15.JPGFor Sale - Cheap90 viewsA cocky pilot caused this one.
RRs-2.JPGCombat Survival90 viewsPage 2 of the Standing Orders, Rogers Rangers.

Sounds like good common sense for surviving in a combat zone.
GDS-155.JPGExecutive Practice89 viewsBtry CO Lt Springer gets "down & dirty" practicing the craft of the cannoneers as he prepares to load a projo. He and the XO made it a point to learn and remember just how important each crew member's job was.
GDS-92.JPGFiring Chart88 viewsFDO Lt Kermit DeVaughn looks up from his firing chart. Note the RDP fan and map pins. According to my diary, Lt DeVaughn was credited with convincing the BnCO, LtCol Holbrook, to try out the concept of two CONEX containers welded together to form a combat-ready Fire Direction Center (FDC).
GDS-90.JPGChinook downdraft87 viewsOf course, there is a "price to pay" for the Chinook' services. Those powerful blades will collapse any tent around. Sp4 James Louk, FDC, is smiling at the same time he is pissed.
GDS-127.JPGChow Time87 views"Do you want more, sir? We want our FOs to be big and strong! Besides, we send the bill back to the battery anyway".
GDS-183.JPGDuc Pho Orphanage87 viewsBuilt in honor and memory of Capt Ronald Rod who came over as an "Advisor" before the start of deployed units in December, 1965.
GDS-209.JPGLoaded86 viewsUNK soldier ready to fire M60 with belts of ammo.
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