GDS-37.JPGThe Montagnards66 viewsA closer look inside the village.
GDS-76.JPGGun position66 viewsThe business end of a 105mm howitzer.
GDS-81.JPGMaintenance66 viewsGun crews (cannoneers) doing howitzer maintenance on the M101A1.
GDS-84.JPGB-52 drops bomb66 viewsCloser look at bomb crater, LZ 503A
GDS-219.JPGFO on break66 viewsTaking a break serving as the FO for "Bravo" Company, 1/14th Inf Regt, "The Golden Dragons".
GDS-227.JPGDay at the Beach66 viewsEnjoying the beach at Chu Lai, minus the babes, of course.
GDS-19.JPGPlei Me65 viewsCIDG building a bunker at Plei Me.
GDS-60.JPGRSOP-ing65 viewsSetting up a new position after a move involved a lot of preparation.
GDS-69.JPGBarber Pole65 viewsThe red & white poles are the aiming stakes for the howitzers to set off deflection commands. They were replaced with "collimnators" later.
GDS-70.JPGRounds landing65 viewsIf you look closely, you can see where the rounds were landing (smoke on the horizon). A/1/35 was "in contact" about 3 clicks from the battery position. A very rare occasion to see your rounds exploding downrange.
GDS-77.JPGA brew in the field65 viewsIt may have been warm, but it was still beer! GD Springer relaxes with a brew.
GDS-87.JPGFamiliar Scene65 viewsChinook pilots always had to bring the "bird" down to ground level.