GDS-82.JPGLZ 503A70 viewsLZ 503A in Kontum Province near Cambodia.
GDS-108.JPGLZ 510B70 viewsWater trailer at the LZ; always a critical item.
GDS-110.JPGLZ 510B70 viewsDeveloping the battery position at LZ 510B. Note that the cannons are positioned at "high angle fire" because they are surrounded by a tight tree line.
GDS-139.JPGLZ 510B70 viewsStill dreaming about that Corvette.
GDS-211.JPGApproach70 viewsApproaching a village by walking on the berms.
GDS-213.JPGBurning village70 views
GDS-221.JPGSitting in the weeds70 viewsMy tour as the FO for B-1-14.
GDS-228.JPGEnroute70 viewsEnroute to a Combat Assault. You'll never know what "Nam" was all about unless you went on a CA.
GDS-228a.JPGCombat Assault70 viewsThis is the way we did it.
GDS-234.JPGRelaxing70 viewsSometimes you can relax in the jungle...but not for long.
GDS-240.JPGCombat Assault - coming up70 viewsHueys prepare for takeoff--on to another CA.
GDS-241.JPGCombat Assault - coming up70 viewsHueys lifting off for a CA.