GDS-226.JPGDay at the Beach72 viewsA good FO surrounds himself with a lot of lifeguards.
GDS-110a.JPGBattery position72 viewsNote the use of bamboo poles to support the sandbag roof. You had to use whatever you could find in the jungle.
GDS-242x.JPGSniper Hill72 viewsAn artillery prep and some A1E Skyraiders strike on a hill assigned to B/1/14 to climb and do a S&D mission for VC or NVA. Hill got its name from the continued sniper fire anytime we got close to it.
GDS-77a.JPGFish Story?71 viewsLt Jim Daly picks a strange place to tell a fish story.
GDS-120.JPGNVA Prisoner71 viewsAn NVA prisoner captured by A/1/35 is enroute to the LZ. The prisoner had to be airlifted out by rope due to the high foliage at the capture site.
GDS-140.JPGKicking back71 viewsLt Springer kicking back on a cot with mattress and springs. A real relief from sleeping on the ground in the field.
GDS-172.JPGSkyraiders71 viewsA1E Skyraiders parked at Pleiku
GDS-174.JPGAirstrip71 viewsThe airstrip at Dragon Mountain.
GDS-223.JPGNot where you want to be71 viewsBrief stay at the hospital in Chu Lai.
GDS-224.JPGIncoming Hueys71 viewsHueys arriving at LZ Waikiki.
GDSc.jpgBronco Bugle71 views
GDS-58.JPGUniform of the Day70 views"My jungle fatigues are coming in when??" Those arriving in the 1966 timeframe often had to wait for a set of jungle fatigues and jungle boots to be issued. Also, a lot of incoming personnel were given M-14s instead of the newer M-16s.