GDS-43.JPGBattery Commander78 views"Alpha" Battery commander Capt Higgins. He was followed by Capt Keith Carlton and then by Capt Mike Casp (KIA, Nov 1967)
GDS-105.JPGLZ 510B78 viewsSetting up shop; battery position starting to shape up.
GDS-133.JPGLZ 510B78 viewsGDS and company looking over a Corvette ad. Maybe it'll have a few mph than the jeep he's in.
GDS-40.JPGThe Montagnards77 viewsGuess school uniforms are nothing new, eh?
GDS-142.JPGBrigade luxury77 viewsLt Kermit DeVaughn enjoys the comfort of a real bed at the 3rd Brigade base. December, 1966.
GDS-153.JPGIn the hole77 viewsSgt Gunther in the gun crew bunker. Sgt Gunther was an excellent Crew Section Chief.
GDS-202.JPGArty Strike77 viewsSmoke rising from artillery strike.
GDS-110d.JPGPrisoner77 viewsNVA prisoner held at LZ 510B.
GDSa.jpg77 views
GDSb.jpg77 views
GDS-Menu2.jpgChristmas, 1966 Menu77 viewsInside Cover: Message from Commanding General.
GDS-38.JPGThe Montagnards76 viewsThe locals do their hauling...the old way.