The Mighty Ninth

Strive To Reach The Summit

Most viewed - John "Moon" Mullins
JM-22.JPGThe new TOC119 viewsUnder construction is the new TOC going up at LZ Oasis.
JM-19.JPGYou Rang?111 viewsCapt David A. Horswell, Battery Commander of "B" Battery, steps outside the hooch.
JM-26.JPGPost War Duty reunion111 viewsLocation: Bianco's Italian Restaurant downtown. It was torn down November 2012 to make way for new development of 2d Street. John and Rose Bianco opened it in 1955. It was the favorite "Watering Hole" for GI's for many years. Col Guy Rogers is shown with the Ladies. Great Arty Officer. Was Divarty XO 1968-69 He passed away in 2005. Capt Dick Younger and wife attending a "home from the war" 2/9th reunion held at Ft Sill (1969).
JM-11.JPGBorschuk110 viewsRichard Borschuk of Omaha, NE
JM-4.JPGSkidmore103 viewsCharles P. Skidmore, Jr....from Burburnette, TX
JM-6.JPGLabreck101 viewsJeff Labreck, Olympia, WA. Everyone stops by to see his photo collection.
JM-9.JPGSteve has the answer98 viewsSteve Skyora, PA. Now...what was the question? was, "what F-stop am I using with this camera"? (Minolta SR-T 101)
JM-10.JPGWho, me?98 viewsRussell Holland of Michigan, Jeff Labreck. Looks like Russell just found out he is on KP duty!
JM-7.JPGCastelletti97 viewsJim Castelletti, formerly of Springfield; now Chatham, IL.
JM-15.JPGSgt Butler97 viewsSgt Butler, Brigade Liaison, Austin, TX. Sgt Butler was good at charming those dames right out of their clothes!
JM-13.JPGBde Liaison96 viewsRonnie Kackley, serving as Brigade Liaison.

Update! John "Moon" Mullins located Ron in February, 2015. See "Visitor's Comments" link on Homepage.
JM-12.JPGCome and get it!95 viewsMSgt Clayborn serves as the master chef for some good-looking chow. Meanwhile, Floyd McKendree makes sure he is first in line.
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