
JM-Oasis.JPGLZ OasisMy home - Camp Oasis, 1969

JM-1.JPGR&R at Vung TauThose were the days! R&R at Vung Tau.

JM-3.JPGFloyd McKendreeFloyd hails from Miami, FL.

Maybruck.jpgAlan MaybruckThat's me! Alan I Maybruck, Supply Clerk, May 68-69, Saratoga CA.
This was pretty much my daily routine except when there were monsoons. Instead of going to the mess hall for lunch, I'd hit the pool and listen to Simon and Garfunkel playing on someone's reel to reel tape recorder. I remember falling-in, in front of the NCO's billet, and someone sniff, sniff, sniffing then calling out, "What the hell, I smell Coppertone! " It was one of the highlights of my tour.
Our First Sergeant was guy named Webb. Few people liked him. Someone had written some graffiti on the wall of the latrine, "Don't get caught in the webb." It doesn't sound as clever now as it did when I was 23, but it's something I clearly remember as amusing.

JM-4.JPGSkidmoreCharles P. Skidmore, Jr....from Burburnette, TX

JM-5.JPGC. KiehnChuck Kiehn, from Wisconsin

JM-6.JPGLabreckJeff Labreck, Olympia, WA. Everyone stops by to see his photo collection.

JM-7.JPGCastellettiJim Castelletti, formerly of Springfield; now Chatham, IL.

JM-8.JPGTrioJeff Labreck, Brown, and Dave Durst.

JM-9.JPGSteve has the answerSteve Skyora, PA. Now...what was the question?
Heh...it was, "what F-stop am I using with this camera"? (Minolta SR-T 101)

JM-10.JPGWho, me?Russell Holland of Michigan, Jeff Labreck. Looks like Russell just found out he is on KP duty!

JM-11.JPGBorschukRichard Borschuk of Omaha, NE