Most viewed - John "Moon" Mullins

JM-29.jpgMother's Day Assault on LZ Oasis143 viewsNewspaper account of the attack on LZ Oasis, May 1969.

Modern_Day_John.JPGModern Day John "Moon" Mullins141 viewsJohn proudly poses in his uniform (notice that it actually fits!) for Veteran's Day, 2012. Looking good, John!

JM-Oasis.JPGLZ Oasis141 viewsMy home - Camp Oasis, 1969

JM-24.JPGAerial View - Than An136 viewsJohn notes that "this is where we had our laundry done."

JM-28.JPGSitting on the docks of Cam Ranh Bay134 viewsGoing Home! Fly to the land of the Big PX. Mission completed.

JM-27.JPGLet's Go Home!133 viewsIt's all over for us. Members of my Ft Sill AIT have completed their tour of duty, gladly demonstrating their "I'm this short!" signals. A wonderful feeling.
At left is Don Primer of A/2/9 and Mark Jowers, 4th from left.

JM-21.JPGDamn...the thing works!132 viewsSame as photo JM-20. Somebody send a "Flash" message to Ft. Sill.

JM-1.JPGR&R at Vung Tau131 viewsThose were the days! R&R at Vung Tau.

JM-23.JPGYe Olde TOC130 viewsThe old TOC making way for a new one.

JM-20.JPGTesting the new M-102127 viewsSaying goodbye to the old M1A101 "split trails" and trying out the new M102. At left is Lt Epps, (UNK) is yanking the lanyard, and (UNK) E-9 is observing.

JM-25.JPGPost War Duty reunion127 viewsMaj Jerry Orr and wife Jean (now deceased) attending a "home from the war" 2/9th reunion held at Ft Sill (1969).

JM-8.JPGTrio124 viewsJeff Labreck, Brown, and Dave Durst.