Most viewed - 35th Reunion - 2012

Banquet-11.JPGTable Talk99 viewsLorraine Knight, guest of Mike Kurtgis, sits with her neice at the Banquet.

Banquet-8.JPGSaturday Night Banquet98 viewsLovely ladies of the 2/9th attending the concluding Banquet.

Banquet-1.JPGSeating Chart97 viewsStanding in front of the Banquet seating chart: Jerry Orr, John Mullins, Mike Kurtgis, Steve Sykora and Dennis Dauphin. As usual, the seating was organized chaos.

Banquet-2.JPGOld News96 viewsJerry Orr, John Mullins, and Steve Sykora look at a publication from the days in Nam.

Banquet-7.JPGAdjoining tables96 viewsRedlegs and ladies of the 2/9th at adjoining tables at the Saturday night banquet.

Banquet-9.JPGCan't get a word in edgewise96 viewsLt Bert Landau's guest, Ms Ell, a college professor at the University of Arkansas, is captured by his running monologues.

Denver-3.JPGHaving a good time!96 viewsTerry Stuber, left, and Ernie Kingcade are a couple of "First Timers" to join us at the Reunion.

DFort-Denver10.JPGCowboy Danny Fort's Photos96 views

Banquet-10.JPGAnother "First Timer"95 viewsLt Frank Herbick, who arrived in Nam in Nov 66 and served with the 1/14th initially and then got multiple FO assigments with different units before finally winding up as the 2/9th Bn S-1. From firing off bullets to firing off messages, Frank has seen it all.

Banquet-6.JPGSomber moment94 viewsThe deeply touching part of the Cacti reunion is the slide show of our fallen heroes, KIAs of the 35th and the 2/9th who made the supreme sacrifice. We shall never forget.

Banquet-20.JPGThe Winner94 viewsActive Duty SGM Bly chats with Platoon Ldr TJ Blue after he won $980 in the 50/50 ticket drawing at the Banquet.

Denver-2.JPGOld friends and memories94 viewsLt Bert Landau chuckles remember those days of humping the boonies with Sgt Lyle Shargent.