
Cover_1.jpgProgram: 35th Infantry Regiment ReunionProgram Cover

Cover_2.jpg35th Reunion - 2012Sequence of Events - Banquet

Inverness_Hotel.JPGInverness Hotel, Denver, COSite of the 14th Annual Reunion of the 35th Inf Regiment (Cacti Blue & Cacti Green). This event marks the switch from summertime reunions (July) to the fall (September). Given the gorgeous weather, it was a smart switch!

Inverness_Golf2.JPGGolf Course next doorWalk outside the back of the hotel and voila! A beautiful golf course.

Inverness_Golf.JPGGolf Course next doorThis photo would make any golfer envious.

Dave_Collins_Cap.JPGThe PresentationMighty Ninth Webmaster & Organizer Dennis Dauphin presents Capt Dave Collins, C-1-35, with a "Mighty Ninth" cap in honor of the many years he has invited the 2/9th to attend his unit party at the annual 35th reunion.

Denver-1.JPGIt's Party Time!Jerry Orr, "Moon" Mullins, and Steve Sykora joining C-1-35 at the Rock Bottom Grill in Denver for the annual get-together with The Mighty Ninth.

Denver-2.JPGOld friends and memoriesLt Bert Landau chuckles remember those days of humping the boonies with Sgt Lyle Shargent.

Denver-4.JPGReminiscingMaj Jerry Orr has that distant look a lot of Vietnam veterans have while recalling the events of Nam with good friend Lt Mike Kurtgis.

Denver-3.JPGHaving a good time!Terry Stuber, left, and Ernie Kingcade are a couple of "First Timers" to join us at the Reunion.

Denver-7.JPGHaving a good time!"Cowboy" Danny Fort, Joe & Martha Henderson, and Jim Connolly attending the combined C-1-35 & Mighty Ninth party at the Rock Bottom Grill.

Denver-6.JPGOld timersEd Thomas' white hair is certifying evidence that old FOs never die, their hair changes color. John "Moon" Mullins has his head covered with a Mighty Ninth cap.