Most viewed - Michael Huseth

MH14.jpgREFRAD: Released from Active Duty106 views(Front page of Orders). No more Nam; transfer to USAR.

MH-84.JPG85mm mortar106 viewsMortar firing exercise. Notice EVERYONE has their fingers in their ears!!

MH-86.JPG#3 Section: Loaded & Ready to go!106 viewsMy gun section is ready RSOP to a new position.

MH-81.JPGMonsoon, 1966 - Tea Plantation105 viewsRoads? What roads? It was all mud in a monsoon.

MH-82.JPGMonsoon, 1966 - Tea Plantation104 viewsA tank retriever was an absolute necessity after the monsoon rains stopped.

MH-79.JPGMonsoon, 1966 - Tea Plantation103 viewsMonsoons were a part of doing business in Vietnam...muddy business.

MH-85.JPGHistorical photo103 viewsThe Vietnam war marked the end of the US Army's "air corps".

MH-86a.jpgAlso ready101 viewsCannoneer ready to move out with his Section.

MH-83.JPGMonsoon, 1966 - Tea Plantation100 viewsWell, why not? Add a morning fog to the mud from the monsoon.

MH15.jpgGoodbye Orders99 viewsOrders reassigning Mike Huseth from "C" Battery, 3d Bde, 25th Inf Div to USAR Control Group. Goodbye Nam; hello States.

Michael_Huseth_-_2013.JPGModern Day Michael98 viewsAttending the historic 2/9th FA reunion at Ft Sill, May 29 - June 1st, here is a photo in modern day. Gives meaning to the phrase "We Were Soldiers...and Young".

PFC_Ryan.JPGHappy Camper94 viewsPFC Danny J. Ryan of the 3rd gun section, Charlie Battery.