
Huseth-1.JPG25th Div Yearbook - Oct 1, 1941 to Oct 1, 1966Notation: "Charlie Battery at LZ 101, June, 1966". At far right, with this photo enlarged, you will see the notes "my gun" and "FDC tent".
These photos are from a rare existing copy of the 25th Inf Div's Yearbook commemorating 25 years of service.

Huseth-2.JPG25th Div Yearbook - Oct 1, 1941 to Oct 1, 1966Mike Huseth walking out of the back end of a Chinook. Note the stateside fatigue work uniform instead of jungle fatigues. The early worm got the bird.

Huseth-3.JPG25th Div Yearbook - Oct 1, 1941 to Oct 1, 1966Mike notes that this is Sgt James L. Jenkins of Hq Battery.

Huseth-4.JPG25th Div Yearbook - Oct 1, 1941 to Oct 1, 1966Notations on photo: 3d Section. Identified by the arrows are: Sgt Walter Hyatt, Cpl Eye, and Sgt Larry Jenkins.

Huseth-5.JPG25th Div Yearbook - Oct 1, 1941 to Oct 1, 1966Photo commemorates the firing of the 1st round in Vietnam by Charlie Battery. By July, 1966 the 2/9th had fired it's 50,000th round. Artilleryman at left is SFC Bobby D. Smith, the Chief of Firing Battery.

Huseth-6.JPG25th Div Yearbook - Oct 1, 1941 to Oct 1, 1966Notation: SSG Anderson Lewis, holding the phone, of the 3d Section, "C" Battery. The Battery Commander was Capt Ricardo Morales.
{Notice that no one is wearing any ear plugs}

Huseth-7.JPGFrom the 25th Inf Div Yearbook - Oct 1, 1941 to Oct 1, 1966This is a page from the 25th Infantry Division yearbook; it lists the name and rank of everyone as of 1Oct66 from the Battalion Commander on down to each Battery. You will find a very easy to read version on the website under the tab "Awards, Rosters & Orders".

Huseth-8.JPGRoster - 2/9th FAContinued from previous photo. This photo lists Batteries "A", "B" & "C". You will find a very easy to read version on the website under the tab "Awards, Rosters & Orders".

Huseth-9.JPG25th Div Yearbook - Oct 1, 1941 to Oct 1, 1966A short history of the 2/9th FA arriving in Nam. The writeup includes some of the other supporting units arriving with the 3rd Brigade.

Huseth-10.JPG25th Div Yearbook - Oct 1, 1941 to Oct 1, 1966Photo shows Westmoreland addressing troops. Identified in the photo are "Keller" (not found on roster), SFC Bobby D. Smith and SSG Norman Smith.

Huseth-11.JPG25th Div Yearbook - Oct 1, 1941 to Oct 1, 1966Courtesy of the yearbook, we learn that the 1/69th Armor was the first tank unit to arrive. They were initially assigned to the Cu Chi area and then moved north with us to the Central Highlands.

Huseth-12.JPG25th Div Yearbook - Oct 1, 1941 to Oct 1, 1966Mike Huseth is shown taking part in the load out of the Section's 105mm.