DY_Mem-2a.JPGAlso "worn"64 viewsKey phrases which we all memorized and knew how to pronounce. (hah!)
DY_Mem-2.JPGAlso "worn"64 viewsFront side: handling of prisoners.
yates_2.JPGMy bunk63 viewsNote the folding cot, the air mattress, the beach sandals, and most importantly, my basketball.
DY_Mem-3.JPGAlso "worn"62 viewsA nickel's worth of MPC. If only we could find a PX in the combat zone. (And save on taxes, too!)
DY_Mem-1.JPGAlso "worn"62 viewsClose by to the OD underwear were some military mementoes that survived his tour in Nam. First page of the Code of Conduct.
Arty_Surveyors.JPGFellow Artillery Surveyors61 viewsThese guys worked with Danny Yates: (L to R): Roufs, Kato, Norm Martin. They served in the artillery Survey Section, Vietnam 66 - 67. {Photo provided by Robert Wilson.}
DY_Mem-5.JPGAlso "worn"60 viewsWell...looks like we all used a "strike out" to count the days remaining in our tropical paradise.
DY_Mem-4a.JPGAlso "worn"57 viewsMore info on heat discipline.
yates_4.JPGMany hands make light work57 viewsWe all knew what we had to do upon landing in a new LZ.
yates_1.JPGEarly construction55 viewsThis is a reminder to redlegs coming later of how we started out. Note the 2/9th FA crest on the clapped-together shack behind me.