
DY1a.jpgUncle Sam Wants Me!The "Call To Duty", otherwise known as your "Induction Papters". September, 1965 and my life is about to change.

DY-1ab.jpgOkay...report to BCTWell, next stop: Fort Lost-in-the-Woods, Mo.
Musta done pretty good at basic combat training. Where's my stripe?

DY-1abc.JPGDon't Worry - we'll take good care of youA template of a letter sent to the parents of all incoming draftees for basic training.
How personal can you get?

DY2a.jpgThe "Repo-Depot"Here are the orders to report to the "Repo-Depot" in USARV. Note that you are ordered to report in a khaki uniform with short sleeves.

DY3a.jpgReport to NamNote that the orders state that "travel of dependents to this station not authorized". As if they wanted to go in the first place!

DY-1966.JPGHere's where it all started - Cannoncocker SchoolStanding in front of these old wooden barracks at Ft Sill, which are no longer there, was the start of a major adventure...a tour in Nam. Little did I know.

OD_Underwear.JPGOlive Drab UnderwearWell, I wasn't issued any OD underwear, so I had to "make" my own by dipping some in green dye prior to departing for Nam. Many of us, if not all, did not know what to pack for Vietnam.

DY_Mem-1.JPGAlso "worn"Close by to the OD underwear were some military mementoes that survived his tour in Nam. First page of the Code of Conduct.

DY_Mem-1a.JPGAlso "worn"Backside of the Code of Conduct.

DY_Mem-2.JPGAlso "worn"Front side: handling of prisoners.

DY_Mem-2a.JPGAlso "worn"Key phrases which we all memorized and knew how to pronounce. (hah!)

DY_Mem-3.JPGAlso "worn"A nickel's worth of MPC. If only we could find a PX in the combat zone. (And save on taxes, too!)