Most viewed - Danny Yates

DY-11.jpgAG gets the command to fire!90 viewsNote one hand on the radio handset and the other on the lanyard. Also note that the Gunner places his fingers in his ears. No wonder we all have "artillery hearing".

DY-Nam.jpgBack in Nam again87 viewsDanny is walking along the road in the former LZ Uplift area and is picking up a piece of a sandbag in the roadway.

Yates.JPGModern Day Danny87 viewsModern-Day Danny attending our historic 2/9th Reunion at Ft Sill, OK in May-June 2013.

DY-31c.JPGThen and Now86 viewsNext, I went on Google Earth to look at that location. In this screen print, you can find the same notch. I then used the mileage feature on Google Earth to measure the exact distance from that location back to the intersection where Hwy 19 and Hwy 14 split. I showed that picture to our driver so he could measure the distance on the odometer. Again, it's not a dramatic comparison, but the topography is the same. I
had a lot of fun just preparing for the trip.

DY-32.JPGThen & Now: the search for Base Camp86 viewsOne of my goals on this trip was to find the location of the 2/9th base camp we had when I arrived in country in July, 1966. The first bit of evidence came when I found a picture online taken several years after we were there, and the person identified the picture as Engineer Hill. But I still didn't know where exactly that was.
{See also: War Stories - Base Camp}

DY-32e.JPGThen & Now: the search for Base Camp86 viewsOur guide pointed out this road leading into our base camp area. Something about that looked awfully familiar. I've attached the picture along with a Google Earth screen print, marked with an "x" to show where the picture was taken. So close, and yet so far.
According to my letters home, base camp moved to an area south of Pleiku, probably Enari, in May of 1967.

IMG_6137.jpgFound my Freedom Bird!86 viewsWith a lot of help from an ex-C-141 pilot, I was able to track down and
reunite with the plane that brought me home from Vietnam. I just happened
to have one picture of me with the plane, and I was able to use the tail
number to find my plane.

WWII_Memorial.jpgHonor Flight86 viewsLaying of a wreath at the WWII Memorial in Washington, DC during the weekend of June, 2015, 71 years after the D-Day landing.

IMGA1.jpgYep...I made it home85 viewsArrived at Travis AFB, ending my luxurious tour of Vietnam. When you enlarge this photo, you will see the tail number of the C-141 that flew me home.

IMG_3882.jpgFound my Freedom Bird!85 viewsThankfully, I didn't have to use the can. It beats a 55-gallon drum, though. Maybe the dogs used this one.

OD_Underwear.JPGOlive Drab Underwear84 viewsWell, I wasn't issued any OD underwear, so I had to "make" my own by dipping some in green dye prior to departing for Nam. Many of us, if not all, did not know what to pack for Vietnam.

DY-28.jpgThen and Now83 viewsHere is a comparison picture of the airstrip in Duc Pho. I wasn't able to make an exact comparison because I couldn't get to the other side of the runway, as it is a restricted area, but it is close enough to see how the area has changed. {However, the background is unmistakable!)