The Mighty Ninth

Strive To Reach The Summit

Most viewed - Danny Yates
DY1a.jpgUncle Sam Wants Me!273 viewsThe "Call To Duty", otherwise known as your "Induction Papters". September, 1965 and my life is about to change.
DY_2012.jpgBeen a lonnnnng time!207 viewsFt Sill, 1966 to Vietnam, 2012.
Danny returns to Vietnam in 2012; he is standing at the site of the former LZ Montezuma (renamed "Bronco" later).
Duc_Pho_2012.jpgHill at Duc Pho205 viewsThis is the aerial picture from 1967, with an X marking the approximate spot where
the photo was taken, and the approximate location of my tent at the time.
That entire area from the X going north is a neighborhood now.
{A 2nd click of your mouse will enlarge the photo and provide a great view!}
DY-24.jpgThe better times199 viewsActress Tippi Hedren and Diane McBain pose with Sp4 Danny Yates. Mores smiles.
DY-25.jpgStar Power170 viewsActress Tippi Hedren and me. Woulda made a nice going home present.
vn#48A.JPGCruisin'165 viewsWatching a US tank roll through a rag-tag town looks like extreme overkill...but it isn't.
DY-12.jpg2/9th Communications @ Duc Pho155 viewsNote all the R-292 antennas surrounding the encampment of the 2/9th Communications Section.
YatesUplift.jpgWar Zone?154 viewsCombination of blue skies and mountain range make for a pretty setting at LZ English (Bong Son).
DY-3.jpgUnder Construction152 viewsA panaramic view of the 3rd Brigade base at LZ Montezuma under construction. Note the very identifiable hill that abuts the base with the South China sea next door.
ComingHome.jpgMade it!151 viewsStill smiling, of course. There's something about DEROS orders that does that.

Welcome Home, Brothers!
The_new.jpgVietnam: 2012 visit147 viewsThe New: This is a new rice combine. They are making progress.
DY-Clear.jpgClearance Papers142 views"It ain't over till the paperwork is done!" Okay, boss, here's the paperwork. Goodbye!
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