
Tu_Lin.jpgThe Innocents of warfare98 viewsTu Lin, a beautiful Vietnamese boy, was orphaned when his parents were killed in an attack. Tu Lin was "adopted" for 30 days by the men of the battery before being presented to an orphanage. Here, Tu Lin salutes his "Army Buddies".

CR_Bay.jpgSights & Scenes98 viewsSign says: "Welcome to Cam Rahn Bay, 14th Aerial Port Sqdn, Passenger Terminal"

Cam_R_Bay.jpgSights & Scenes97 viewsSign says "Det 1, 14th Aerial Port Squadron, Nha Trang.
(Click to enlarge)

Whaley-Turner.jpgPair of FOs95 viewsLt Dave Whaley and Lt Doug Turner

Captured_Wpns.JPGMuseum in the field94 viewsEnemy weapons...notice how light and portable.

Lt_Al_Celani.jpgPlt Leader94 viewsLt Al Celani, A/1/35, 4th Plt. Camp Holloway

AC.JPGAiming Circle94 viewsLt John Murphy, XO of Delta Battery joins Lt Ed Thomas at the aiming circle.

Atk-1.JPGAttack in progress94 viewsNote CH-47 gunship to the left

Honda_Shop.jpgSights & Scenes94 viewsA Honda cycle shop. An interesting contrast of ancient culture and new.

HolbrookAward.jpgBronze Star Award93 views2/9th Bn Commander LtCol Bruce Holbrook presents award.

SwedeVisit.JPGMajGen Swede Larsen93 viewsMajor General Swede Larsen presents Lt Ed Thomas with the Bronze Star award with "V" device.

Herrick-AK47.jpg91 viewsLt Chris Herrick holds an AK-47