
Lt_Thomas,_FO.jpgThe FO Poster BoyDate: 18 Nov 66. Place: Kontum.
There you have it...the classic FO in battle dress, M-16, and sleeves rolled up.

B-BtrySign.jpgMorale BuilderThe sign of "B" Battery at LZ Illini says "Ready Sir". The "Dragon's Keeper" bit refers to their direct support of 1/14th Inf Regt.....the Golden Dragons, as they are known.

Promo.jpgGetting an "Atta Boy"Date: 21 Feb 67. 2/9th FA BnCo LtCol Bruce Holbrook congratulates Lt Ed Thomas and Lt Bill Farmer (later KIA) on their promotions to the grade of First Lieutenants. The 2nd Lts felt a sigh of relief.

Caribou2.jpgThe CaribouPlace: Litts Field. The Army's last foothold in fixed-wing aviation was the Caribou.

Aussies.jpgDown Under?Don't know; Ed will have to tell us. The berets and tight-fitting uniforms not usually seen in the field.

Pleiku67.jpgPleiku, February, 1967Note the dude in starched khakis at right compared to the tall dude with a survival knife on his belt. Makes you glad to be home.

Illini.jpgBravo Battery located at LZ IlliniNote the M2 Aiming Circle and the bore calibration board.

TrngSession.jpgTraining & DemoLooks like training in progress. Note the "stateside" fatigues with the white cloth name tags. Confirms that the timeframe is 1966.

SpiderHole.jpgWazzit?It looks somewhat like a spider hole, but it is actually a "lean-to" with two air mattresses side by side. Better than sleeping on the ground.

TrngSession2.jpgTraining & DemoTraining conducted inside the space of the 105mm trails

EET3a.jpgLt Edwin E. Thomas, FO for both the 35th and the 14th RegtsWe Were Soldiers...and Young...and Fit...and Good Looking...and all that. A "modern-day" photo can be found at the end of this album.

Five_Artillerymen.jpgFIREPOWER!A very rare photo consisting of: Lt Bill Farmer (KIA), Lt Dave Whaley, Lt Doug Turner, Lt Ed Thomas, and Lt Chris Herrick.