
Dragon.jpgThe Golden Dragons111 viewsA pennant honoring LtCol "Wild Bill" Miller of the 1/14th Inf Regiment.

Holbrook-Ed.jpg"Gee, wish I had one of those!"110 views2/9th Bn Co LtCol Bruce Holbrook admires the Bronze Star medal received by Lt Ed Thomas.

Pleiku67.jpgPleiku, February, 1967110 viewsNote the dude in starched khakis at right compared to the tall dude with a survival knife on his belt. Makes you glad to be home.

Cath_Church.jpgSights & Scenes109 viewsCatholic Church

Pleiku_Sts.jpgSights & Scenes109 viewsPassing by firewood storage

Shop.jpgSights & Scenes108 viewsThe streets of Pleiku

Promo.jpgGetting an "Atta Boy"108 viewsDate: 21 Feb 67. 2/9th FA BnCo LtCol Bruce Holbrook congratulates Lt Ed Thomas and Lt Bill Farmer (later KIA) on their promotions to the grade of First Lieutenants. The 2nd Lts felt a sigh of relief.

Atk-6.JPGAttack in progress107 viewsCannoneers watch the battle in progress

Red_Cross_Beach.jpgA little R&R in-country105 viewsAt the Red Cross beach

Gila_Monster.jpgMascots104 viewsA gila monstoer

Discharge.jpgBig Smile104 viewsLt Gary "Dean" Springer looks like he got his discharge papers. Well...he wishes.

Market.jpgSights & Scenes104 viewsViet Market. Vendors waiting to serve you.