
Vinh_Thanh.jpgSights & Scenes191 viewsThe village of Vinh Thanh

EdThomas.jpgModern-Day Ed184 viewsEd Thomas attends the 2007 Philly reunion with the 35th Infantry Regiment.

Viet_People.jpgSights & Scenes170 viewsA rather large structure

Pleiku_St.jpgSights & Scenes143 viewsThe streets of Pleiku

Caribou2.jpgThe Caribou143 viewsPlace: Litts Field. The Army's last foothold in fixed-wing aviation was the Caribou.

Viet_Fish_Boats.jpgSights & Scenes141 viewsVietnamese fishing boats.

Viet_Market.jpgSights & Scenes141 viewsA covered market building

Viet_Chow.jpgSights & Scenes134 viewsTasting the Vietnamese cuisine

Viet_Clothing.jpgSights & Scenes134 viewsVietnamese Clothing store. Just like American stores, they have salesmen waiting.

Viet_Children.jpgSights & Scenes131 viewsVietnamese chilren in the roadway.

Atk-5.JPGAftermath124 viewsVC wounded in the attack attended to.

PAVN.jpgThe PAVN Hunters123 viewsProud Guidon Bearer (Unk)
The 1/14th Inf Regt was known as the PAVN Hunters