Most viewed - 35th Reunion - 2019

The_Plotting_thickens___.JPGPlotting the Invasion, Pt 236 views"Now, let's see...if I put the Artillery over here, and they sit over there...........
The Seating Chart "war" has begun!

The_Ladies.JPGMeet Me at the Bar36 viewsThe Ladies enjoy cocktails from the terrace of the Lexington Hotel...enjoying both the drinks and the view.

Banquet_1.JPGBanquet Night35 viewsPast Association President Pete Birrow at Table #3.

A-2-35~0.JPGCacti Blue35 viewsLeaders of A-2-35; professional soldiers all!!
Photo courtesy of David Dunn

Raffle_Quilt.JPGA very nice prize!34 viewsThis beautiful handmade quilt with the eagle and the flag was raffled off at the closing banquet.

Proud_Grandad.JPGDave Collins34 viewsC-1-35 Company Commander Dave Collins poses with his grandson David near the podium of the memorial to our lost soldiers. Dave said his grandson "had a lot of questions" about what he saw at the Banquet ceremonies.

Special_meal.JPGNight out34 viewsEnjoying the cuisine of Jacksonville.............

Banquet.JPGBanquet Night33 viewsIt's Saturday night and time for the Annual Banquet and closing ceremonies. Another great time meeting our brothers once again.

3_Vets.JPGWe served our country!33 viewsL to R: Dennis Dauphin, FO and XO of the 2/9th, son Darryl, a retired 24-year Air Force veteran who served 5 tours in the middle east, and Don Keith, who served 11 months in the field as an FO for the 35th and later became an Air Observer (AO). Don returned for a 2nd tour with the 173d Airborne.
That's a lot of time in uniform, folks!

Seat_Diagram.JPGSecret Map33 viewsHere is the all-important seating chart (decoded) for the Saturday night banquet. Don't tell.

Hosp_Suite_4.JPGPacked!33 viewsEveryone enjoyed a trip to the Lexington Hotel Hospitality Suite! Lots of gulping and gabbing...and having a great time renewing friendships long past the days of Nam.

Dennis_Chris.JPGA-2-35 at Jacksonville33 viewsDennis Dauphin (2/9th FA, FO for A-2-35) & Chris Dunn (David) share a "Welcome" hug at the Lexington.
Photo courtesy of David Dunn.