
Thank_You_Hero.JPGThank You, Vietnam Veterans!Ms Rebecca Richards, a lifelong supporter of the men who served in Vietnam to serve our country and preserve freedom around the world, arranged to have 270 "Hero Cards" sent to the Lexington Hotel for distribution at the annual closing banquet on Saturday night.
Thank YOU, Rebecca!

Jacksonville.JPGAnnual Reunion, Sept 26 - 29, 2019 Jacksonville, FLHere we are at the Lexington Hotel in Jacksonville...sunny and hot. We saw a lot more walkers, canes, scooters and knee braces than in the past, but we made it here!

Entrance.JPGYou have arrivedFront entrance to the Lexington Hotel as you drive up.

Entrance_2.JPGEntranceTall palms and low shrubbery make for an attractive greeting for arriving guests.

Lobby.JPGImpressive entranceThe Lexington Hotel, totally renovated, has a very impressive front Lobby entrance. A recent storm knocked out some of the TVs and phones in the rooms and parts were on order, so the hotel management gave discounts on the affected rooms.

Hosp_Suite.JPGThe Hospitality SuiteOur annual gabfest in the Hospitality Suite. Plenty of snacks, wine, and beer for everyone!

Hosp_Suite_2.JPGThe ladies share their stories alsoL to R: Barb Keith, Jackie Dauphin, Carol Crochet in the Hospitality Suite.

Hosp_Suite_3.JPGIt's that time again35th vets (David Dunn, far right) share their memories.

Hosp_Suite_4.JPGPacked!Everyone enjoyed a trip to the Lexington Hotel Hospitality Suite! Lots of gulping and gabbing...and having a great time renewing friendships long past the days of Nam.

Redlegs_in_Hosp_Suite.JPGThe Redleg Regulars(Standing) Dennis Dauphin, Webmasters, www.themightyninth.org
Don Keith, Joe Henderson, outgoing President of the 35th Regt Assn, and Wayne Crochet.

Don_s_Blues.JPGFancy dressDick Arnold poses with two members who really know how to dress for the occasion!!

War_Story.JPGGetting preparedOutgoing 35th Assn President Joe Henderson (right) knows he needs some "heavy refreshment" before listening to yet another great Don Keith "war story".