Last additions - John Cashin

JC-14.JPGGroup poseThis is the Commo Section at LZ Oasis, 1968-69. L to R: Pedro; Hogan; Hatfield; Hogan; Cox; Perkins; me; Perkins & Hatfield.May 15, 2017

JC-15.JPGThe Oasis Motor Pool, 1968-69Standing - L to R: John Cashin, Sgt Quinn. Others UNKMay 15, 2017

JC-6.JPGAround the firebaseL to R: Mike Hunnicutt; Jim Walker and Lt Dave ScottMay 15, 2017

JC-7.JPGFDC guyUNK in the FDC CONEXMay 15, 2017

JC-8.JPGUnknownsRecognize anyone?May 15, 2017

JC-10.JPGScottLt Dave ScottMay 15, 2017

JC-1.JPGMy Comm ChiefMe and MSG HarrisMay 15, 2017

JC-2.JPGComparing notes hereFrom L to R: Lt Monte Lafitte, FO; Me; Lt james "Jim" Green; SFC GarciaMay 15, 2017

JC-3.JPGFlyboyLt Al Curran - 2/9th FA Bn Pilot, May 1968 - 1969May 15, 2017

JC-4.JPGLt Mike StricklandLt Strickland was the "B" Battery Exec Officer (XO)May 15, 2017

JC-5.JPGBCLeft: Battery Commander Dave Horswell; Bob RichardsonMay 15, 2017