
JC-1.JPGMy Comm ChiefMe and MSG Harris

JC-2.JPGComparing notes hereFrom L to R: Lt Monte Lafitte, FO; Me; Lt james "Jim" Green; SFC Garcia

JC-3.JPGFlyboyLt Al Curran - 2/9th FA Bn Pilot, May 1968 - 1969

JC-4.JPGLt Mike StricklandLt Strickland was the "B" Battery Exec Officer (XO)

JC-5.JPGBCLeft: Battery Commander Dave Horswell; Bob Richardson

JC-6.JPGAround the firebaseL to R: Mike Hunnicutt; Jim Walker and Lt Dave Scott


JC-8.JPGUnknownsRecognize anyone?

JC-10.JPGScottLt Dave Scott

JC-11.JPGWriting homeAnyone know who this might be?

JC-12.JPGLt Don BlankinLt Blankin mans the radio inside the FDC CONEX.

JC-13.JPGPerimeter OutpostThis is the perimeter line of LZ Oasis. Clearly this firebase has the high ground with a commanding position and view, along with rows of concertina wire. UNK sitting under shelter of the outpost.