Last additions - Geary Burrows

GDB-22.JPGEdward R. Murrow?Looks like he's ready to do a news report....May 14, 2017

GDB-23.JPGREAL Food!Cowboy Danny Fort has written under the picture, "Would you believe? It's REAL food!"May 14, 2017

GDB-17.JPGGreen T-shirtsSome "replacements" were given white tee shirts and a bottle of OD-green dye. As time went by, you began to see OD tee shirts.May 14, 2017

GDB-18.JPGWhatta Crew!The "B" Battery FDC crew standing tall.May 14, 2017

GDB-19.JPGFDC ConexBesides being a portable Fire Direction Center, it made a great storage & moving device. Time to unload and organize.May 14, 2017

GDB-20.JPGDon't give him a sword!Anytime there's trouble, Cowboy Danny Fort is in the middle of it.May 14, 2017

GDB-21.JPGThe helmet fitsWell, just barely.May 14, 2017

GDB-12.JPG"B" Battery firebaseMay 14, 2017

GDB-13.JPG"We Were Young...And Soldiers"Well, this is the "We Were Young" part; two redlegs do a little horseplay in a mud puddle.May 14, 2017

GDB-14.JPGShowTimeA little field entertainment. Don't look for Bob Hope; he ain't here.May 14, 2017

GDB-15.JPGOn DutySand bags make nice seats.May 14, 2017

GDB-16.JPGLarge logsLarge logs were often cut to reinforce the bunker system.May 14, 2017