
GDB-30.JPGThat's MeI'm Geary Burrows and this is my story...and I'm sticking to it.

GDB-1.JPGYep, I got "the call""Uncle Sam Wants Me". My personal invitation to report to Oklahoma City, OK for induction.

GDB-2.JPGGuess where I was sent?Yep...Vietnam! Joined up with the great redleg brothers of The Mighty Ninth, 2/9th FA, which was now part of the 4th Infantry Division, having been "swapped out" from the 25th Inf Div on 1Aug67.

GDB-3.JPGEven got promoted!BCT at Ft Bliss; AIT at Ft Meade; a ticket to Vietnam...and then a promotion. Does life get any better than that?

GDB-4.jpgThe "Killer"Don't know about "secret", but the Ho Chi Minh trail was the "killer" because it was the main pipeline for food, weapons and re-supply for our enemies. It was never successfully shutdown; this vital trail, in supposedly "neutral" countries, seriously hampered our efforts to end the war.

GDB-5.jpgNothing to do with Nam, but....This brief article appeared on the reverse of the map of the Au Shau Valley from the previous frame. It was too funny not to share. (Hooray for Mississippi??)

GDB-6.jpgNo Wonder!!No wonder "B" Battery of the 2/9th had the best FDC! Looka these handsome dudes! From Left: Chris Henry, Me, and Cowboy Danny Fort. You can see how seriously undernourished Danny Fort was back then.

GDB-7.JPGPracticing judo movesChris Henry, after a few beers, decides to practice his judo moves. Ron Dietrick is behind him.

GDB-8.JPGA firebase somewhere in NamThe troops are gathered in the rear.

GDB-9.JPGCircus comes to town?Not likely; it was discovered that elephants were used to move supplies through the jungle by the enemy forces.

GDB-10.JPGThe Story of Short RoundShort Round was the unit mascot. He was trained to eat the C-rations no one wanted.

GDB-11.JPGShort Round, "B" Battery mascot