Last additions - Gary Dean Springer

GDS-218.JPGArty strikeEvidence of an arty strike.Jun 28, 2008

GDS-216.JPGCombat AssaultEnroute to a CA in the Central Highlands. The beautiful view enroute to a Combat Assault whereby the "shit hits the fan" in many cases.Jun 28, 2008

GDS-215.JPGBurning villageJun 28, 2008

GDS-213.JPGBurning villageJun 28, 2008

GDS-214.JPGBurning villageJun 28, 2008

GDS-212.JPGBurning villageOrders often came down to burn any villages.Jun 28, 2008

GDS-211.JPGApproachApproaching a village by walking on the berms.Jun 28, 2008

GDS-210.JPGPlaymateUNK. A time-honoring combat tradition...checking out the better sights.Jun 28, 2008

GDS-209.JPGLoadedUNK soldier ready to fire M60 with belts of ammo.Jun 28, 2008

GDS-208.JPGHill 54Hill 54 complete. Home of the 1/14th Golden Dragons.Jun 28, 2008

GDS-207.JPGHill 54Hill 54 close up.Jun 28, 2008

GDS-206.JPGLZ WaikikiSeven Hueys approaching LZ Waikiki. Air limousines are arriving to take B/1/14 into a CA (combat assault). The following sequence show the stages of the CA. I got the job of "prepping" the LZ. Usually done by an Air Observer.Jun 28, 2008
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