Last additions - Gary Dean Springer

GDS-229.JPGCombat AssaultGoing on a combat assault as the FO for "Bravo" Company, 1/14th Inf Regt.Jun 28, 2008

GDS-228.JPGEnrouteEnroute to a Combat Assault. You'll never know what "Nam" was all about unless you went on a CA.Jun 28, 2008

GDS-227.JPGDay at the BeachEnjoying the beach at Chu Lai, minus the babes, of course.Jun 28, 2008

GDS-226.JPGDay at the BeachA good FO surrounds himself with a lot of lifeguards.Jun 28, 2008

GDS-225.JPGArty StrikeVisual evidence of our artillery strikes.Jun 28, 2008

GDS-224.JPGIncoming HueysHueys arriving at LZ Waikiki.Jun 28, 2008

GDS-223.JPGNot where you want to beBrief stay at the hospital in Chu Lai.Jun 28, 2008

GDS-221.JPGSitting in the weedsMy tour as the FO for B-1-14.Jun 28, 2008

GDS-222.JPG"Dear Mom...."FO writes letter home. On duty as the FO for B/1/14.Jun 28, 2008

GDS-220.JPGThe FOMe in full gear serving as the FO for B-1-14.Jun 28, 2008

GDS-219.JPGFO on breakTaking a break serving as the FO for "Bravo" Company, 1/14th Inf Regt, "The Golden Dragons".Jun 28, 2008

GDS-217.JPGThe FO TeamFO Team for "B", 1/14th: Chief, UNK, me & Groninger.Jun 28, 2008
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