Last additions - Gary Dean Springer

GDS-164.JPGQui NhonHouseboy sits with Lt Springer atop a hotel in Qui Nhon.Jun 28, 2008

GDS-163.JPGQui NhonThe Hotel ManagerJun 28, 2008

GDS-162.JPGQui NhonHotel BedJun 28, 2008

GDS-161.JPGQui NhonView from atop a hotel in Qui Nhon.Jun 28, 2008

GDS-160.JPGQui NhonTwo boys atop the roof of a hotel in Qui Nhon.Jun 28, 2008

GDS-156.JPGExecutive PracticeRamming home the projo. Gun crews & Section Chiefs must be highly trained...lives downrange are depending on them. It is a good command policy to rehearse during H&Is or registrations. The crews handle the contact fire missions.Jun 28, 2008

GDS-155.JPGExecutive PracticeBtry CO Lt Springer gets "down & dirty" practicing the craft of the cannoneers as he prepares to load a projo. He and the XO made it a point to learn and remember just how important each crew member's job was.Jun 28, 2008

GDS-154.JPGLZ TipSection Chief waiting for commands from the FDC.Jun 28, 2008

GDS-153.JPGIn the holeSgt Gunther in the gun crew bunker. Sgt Gunther was an excellent Crew Section Chief.Jun 28, 2008

GDS-152.JPGLZ TipLt Springer, serving as the Btry CO of "Delta" Battery, stands outside his "home" at LZ Tip.Jun 28, 2008

GDS-151.JPGWater deliveryA Chinook bringing in a water trailer. Troops thought it might be smoking-hot rum.Jun 28, 2008

GDS-150.JPGCasual FridaysLt Springer at LZ Tip, commanding the splintered "Delta Battery". Dress is casual.Jun 28, 2008
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