Last additions - Steve Sykora

SK-27.JPGSunday AmbushThis vehicle was still smoking after the ambush.Jun 05, 2013

SK-28.JPGSaving GraceGod saved my life as I went to this church and missed the Sunday morning convoy that was ambushed.Jun 05, 2013

SK-22.JPGTruck Thieves on a missionThree of us stole a truck to run to an ambush site to assist our buddies.Jun 05, 2013

SK-21.JPG.50 cal"Go ahead...make my day!"
Yessir, this baby can do some damage!Jun 05, 2013

SK-20.JPGOl' Blood & GutsPosing with a .50cal machine gun.Jun 05, 2013

SK-19.JPGCandlelight & MirrorTaken at my location in Kontum.Jun 05, 2013

SK-17.JPGExpert BadgeI am proving how I earned my Expert marksmanship badge. Note how the bullet has a long way to fall.Jun 05, 2013

SK-16.JPGMagnificent SevenARVN soldiers - you can only hope that they are on our side. Sound familiar?Jun 05, 2013

SK-18.JPGThe BasementPhoto taken down in the "basement TOC".Jun 05, 2013

SK-15.JPGTeaching BasicsTeaching the ARVNs the working end of an M-16.Jun 05, 2013

SK-14.JPGRadio HumpingNothing like enjoying a meal of pork & beans from a C-ration box while humping a radio. Now you know why they call it the "Central Highlands".Jun 05, 2013

SK-13.JPGScenic OverlookWayne Shea sits and enjoys view beneath the searchlight in the foreground.Jun 05, 2013
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