
SK-2a.JPGARVN with kidsAn ARVN soldier stands among young kids.

SK-4a.JPGTOCHere I am standing outside the below-ground TOC. Note sign at right.

SK-5.JPGChurchColorful church located in Kontum.

SK-6.JPGMY tent!Finally got my own tent.

SK-7.JPGShaving commercialI feel so clean after my morning shave.

SK-8.JPGFODutyIn the air to begin some FO duties.

SK-9.JPGVillage belowThis is a village north of Kontum.

SK-10.JPGHilltop HomeThis is gonna be our new home. Notice the "popped smoke" - universal marker in Nam for verification to the pilots.

SK-11.JPGPopping SmokePilot brings chopper down to hilltop as Wayne Shea provides final approach instructions.

SK-12.JPGBooby Trap locationThis area was booby-trapped; I was almost killed here.

SK-13.JPGScenic OverlookWayne Shea sits and enjoys view beneath the searchlight in the foreground.

SK-14.JPGRadio HumpingNothing like enjoying a meal of pork & beans from a C-ration box while humping a radio. Now you know why they call it the "Central Highlands".
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