Last additions - Steve Sykora

Sykora.JPGModern Day SteveThis handsome dude is the Modern Day Steve Sykora as he attended our historic 2/9th FA at Ft Sill, OK in May-June, 2013.Nov 02, 2013

SK-51.jpgMe & MoonSmiling for the camera. Me and John "Moon" Mullins in our tent. That device that Moon is holding in his left hand was for use back when he had hair.Jun 06, 2013

SK-4a.JPGTOCHere I am standing outside the below-ground TOC. Note sign at right.Jun 06, 2013

SK-2a.JPGARVN with kidsAn ARVN soldier stands among young kids.Jun 06, 2013

SK-58.JPGLoad 'er up!Getting ready to load a round into the breech. Note the fuze-setting tool next to the round.Jun 05, 2013

SK-50.JPGPeace, BrotherA pensive Jeff LaBreck sits in front of his "peace" flag. It went by other names, too.Jun 05, 2013

SK-60.JPG"On the Way, Over"Well...that's what we said until Ft Sill said the radio transmission was too long. It became "Shot, Over!"Jun 05, 2013

SK-59.JPGHammer-FireUsing a hammer to fire the M-102 which replaced the WWII-era M-105.Jun 05, 2013

SK-57.JPGFuze SettingScrewing in the fuze in a 105mm howitzer round. No good without it.Jun 05, 2013

SK-56.JPG"F" TroopThe guys we called "F" Troop prepare for a fire mission.Jun 05, 2013

SK-55.JPGHarvest TimeFarming here was a little different than back in the States.Jun 05, 2013

SK-54.JPGYes! That's him!!Major Jerry Orr poses with hands on hips during a little Christmas celebration. Jerry was responsible for planning and organizing our historic 45+ year-later "Redleg Reunion" at Ft Sill, OK, May 29 - June 1st.Jun 05, 2013
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