Last additions - John "Moon" Mullins

John__Moon__Mullins.JPGCasual - Modern Day MoonJohn served as a major partner in the Reunion registration at Ft Sill, OK with Maj Jerry Orr.Oct 28, 2020

JM-18a.JPGDoing a little trimLt Steve Huffstutler, later killed in action during the infamous "Mothers Day" assault at LZ Oasis, May, 1969, trims the mustache...carefully.Mar 30, 2017

JM-29.jpgMother's Day Assault on LZ OasisNewspaper account of the attack on LZ Oasis, May 1969.Jul 21, 2013

Maybruck.jpgAlan MaybruckThat's me! Alan I Maybruck, Supply Clerk, May 68-69, Saratoga CA.
This was pretty much my daily routine except when there were monsoons. Instead of going to the mess hall for lunch, I'd hit the pool and listen to Simon and Garfunkel playing on someone's reel to reel tape recorder. I remember falling-in, in front of the NCO's billet, and someone sniff, sniff, sniffing then calling out, "What the hell, I smell Coppertone! " It was one of the highlights of my tour.
Our First Sergeant was guy named Webb. Few people liked him. Someone had written some graffiti on the wall of the latrine, "Don't get caught in the webb." It doesn't sound as clever now as it did when I was 23, but it's something I clearly remember as amusing. Feb 28, 2013

JM-13a.jpg3rd Bde LiaisonTom Rager, along with Kackley in photo #13, served as Brigade Liaisons in the TOC.Jan 27, 2013

JM-28.JPGSitting on the docks of Cam Ranh BayGoing Home! Fly to the land of the Big PX. Mission completed.Dec 21, 2012

JM-27.JPGLet's Go Home!It's all over for us. Members of my Ft Sill AIT have completed their tour of duty, gladly demonstrating their "I'm this short!" signals. A wonderful feeling.
At left is Don Primer of A/2/9 and Mark Jowers, 4th from left.Dec 21, 2012

JM-25.JPGPost War Duty reunionMaj Jerry Orr and wife Jean (now deceased) attending a "home from the war" 2/9th reunion held at Ft Sill (1969).Dec 20, 2012

JM-24.JPGAerial View - Than AnJohn notes that "this is where we had our laundry done."Dec 19, 2012

JM-26.JPGPost War Duty reunionLocation: Bianco's Italian Restaurant downtown. It was torn down November 2012 to make way for new development of 2d Street. John and Rose Bianco opened it in 1955. It was the favorite "Watering Hole" for GI's for many years. Col Guy Rogers is shown with the Ladies. Great Arty Officer. Was Divarty XO 1968-69 He passed away in 2005. Capt Dick Younger and wife attending a "home from the war" 2/9th reunion held at Ft Sill (1969).Dec 19, 2012

JM-22.JPGThe new TOCUnder construction is the new TOC going up at LZ Oasis.Dec 19, 2012

JM-23.JPGYe Olde TOCThe old TOC making way for a new one.Dec 19, 2012