Last additions - 35th Reunion - 2012

Denver-8.JPGGetting the pictureJoe & Mrs Henderson, next to Jim Connolly and Dennis Dauphin, with Cowboy Danny Fort providing the backdrop at the Rock Bottom Grill.Oct 07, 2012

Denver-5.JPGStory-TellingNow we're into it! Cowboy Danny Fort makes his point to Joe Henderson while Jim Connolly calculates his tab at the bar.Oct 07, 2012

Denver-6.JPGOld timersEd Thomas' white hair is certifying evidence that old FOs never die, their hair changes color. John "Moon" Mullins has his head covered with a Mighty Ninth cap.Oct 07, 2012

Denver-7.JPGHaving a good time!"Cowboy" Danny Fort, Joe & Martha Henderson, and Jim Connolly attending the combined C-1-35 & Mighty Ninth party at the Rock Bottom Grill.Oct 07, 2012

Denver-3.JPGHaving a good time!Terry Stuber, left, and Ernie Kingcade are a couple of "First Timers" to join us at the Reunion.Oct 07, 2012

Denver-4.JPGReminiscingMaj Jerry Orr has that distant look a lot of Vietnam veterans have while recalling the events of Nam with good friend Lt Mike Kurtgis.Oct 07, 2012

Denver-2.JPGOld friends and memoriesLt Bert Landau chuckles remember those days of humping the boonies with Sgt Lyle Shargent.Oct 07, 2012

Banquet-23.JPGAdjoining TablesLee Okerstrom (blue shirt) and Bill Kull (black shirt), seated at adjoining tables. Bill Kull of "B" Battery is another "First Timer" at the 35th Inf Regt reunion.Oct 07, 2012

Dave_Collins_Cap.JPGThe PresentationMighty Ninth Webmaster & Organizer Dennis Dauphin presents Capt Dave Collins, C-1-35, with a "Mighty Ninth" cap in honor of the many years he has invited the 2/9th to attend his unit party at the annual 35th reunion.Oct 07, 2012

Banquet-21.JPGQuiet MomentErnie Kingcade with wife LaWanna at the banquet table.Oct 07, 2012

Banquet-22.JPGSaturday Night BanquetGreg Malnar, A-2-9 FDC.Oct 07, 2012

Banquet-20.JPGThe WinnerActive Duty SGM Bly chats with Platoon Ldr TJ Blue after he won $980 in the 50/50 ticket drawing at the Banquet.Oct 07, 2012