Last additions - Jim "Tex" Shelton

Cpl_Jim_Shelton.JPGArmy Commendation MedalJim "Tex" Shelton gets a handshake and Army Commendation Medal after serving as his armed guard on field visits.Mar 13, 2022

Cpl_J_Shelton.JPGTravels with the GeneralL to R: MG Donn Pepke, Jim, and UNK 4th Div Sergeant Major.Mar 13, 2022

Tex_3-2a.jpgDay 1 at LZ St. GeorgeStanding left - Sgt Dickie Doud, Jim Shelton, Sp4 Lonnie G. Hardin at LZ St. George.Jan 20, 2015

Tex_Chris.jpgMe & Chris NoelBoth me and Mike Medley got to pose with singer/actress Chris Noel. Now I have her all to myself. Ms Noel was contacted in December, 2014 and confirmed her presence in Vietnam visiting the troops.Dec 24, 2014

Tex_6-4.JPGChildren of warSep 14, 2010

Tex_6-3.JPGChildren of warSep 14, 2010

Tex_6-2.JPGShrapnelPurty big piece here...almost the whole shell.Sep 14, 2010

Tex_6-1.JPGOut of uniform?You won't find this method of showering in Ft Sill's FM 6-40. Hanging a water can to the end of the howitzer tube is strictly an improvisation. They would have to add another Chapter.Sep 14, 2010

Tex_5-4.JPG"Short Round"Taking good care of Short RoundSep 14, 2010

Tex_5-3.JPGDog HeroOur pup named "Short Round" was awarded two Purple Hearts.Sep 14, 2010

Tex_5-2.JPG"I Won the Lottery!"Only...we didn't have one.Sep 14, 2010

Tex_5-1.JPGMetal soupBig shard of a 105mm shell.Sep 14, 2010