
Cpl_Jim_Shelton.JPGArmy Commendation MedalJim "Tex" Shelton gets a handshake and Army Commendation Medal after serving as his armed guard on field visits.

Cpl_J_Shelton.JPGTravels with the GeneralL to R: MG Donn Pepke, Jim, and UNK 4th Div Sergeant Major.

Tex_1-1.JPGWeightlifterOr a "power" salute.

Tex_1-2.JPGLighter weightlifter

Tex_1-3.JPGTwo-finger Peace SignNot often found in Nam.

Tex_1-4.JPGGuys in the bushConference call.

Tex_2-1.JPGWhat is it?Tinkerer and observer.

Tex_2-2.JPGCan I keep her?Jim "Tex" Shelton and Mike Medley surround Chris Noel, model, singer and actress who visited their LZ. Ms Noel was honored with an award for her support visits in Vietnam.

Tex_Chris.jpgMe & Chris NoelBoth me and Mike Medley got to pose with singer/actress Chris Noel. Now I have her all to myself. Ms Noel was contacted in December, 2014 and confirmed her presence in Vietnam visiting the troops.

Tex_2-3.JPGArmed and Ready

Tex_2-4.JPGReady to Roll

Tex_2-5.JPGStanding By