Last additions - Danny Yates

DY3a.jpgReport to NamNote that the orders state that "travel of dependents to this station not authorized". As if they wanted to go in the first place!Oct 03, 2008

DY2a.jpgThe "Repo-Depot"Here are the orders to report to the "Repo-Depot" in USARV. Note that you are ordered to report in a khaki uniform with short sleeves.Oct 03, 2008

DY1a.jpgUncle Sam Wants Me!The "Call To Duty", otherwise known as your "Induction Papters". September, 1965 and my life is about to change.Oct 03, 2008

DY-1.jpgArmed & DangerousReady for duty. Notice that I got rid of those khaki trousers and short-sleeve shirts.Apr 09, 2008

YatesUplift.jpgWar Zone?Combination of blue skies and mountain range make for a pretty setting at LZ English (Bong Son).Apr 09, 2008

DY-25.jpgStar PowerActress Tippi Hedren and me. Woulda made a nice going home present.Apr 06, 2008

DY-5.jpgRSOP In ProgressA battery moves to a new location.Apr 06, 2008

DY-22.jpgSignposts at PleikuEvery location in Nam had reminders of home in the form of mileage markers.Apr 06, 2008

DY-21.jpgRice growingRice farmers at work in the paddies. No time for war here.Apr 06, 2008

DY-20.jpgWash-o-maticDoing field laundry. We used a similar method to burn the outhouse waste with diesel. Hope it's not the same barrel.Apr 06, 2008

DY-19.jpgField ExpedientSet up an immersion heater and you have hot water for a field shower. Too bad Tipi Hedren and Diane McBain already left.Apr 06, 2008

DY-2.jpgGo, Badgers!Sp4 Danny Yates shows off his hometown support.Apr 06, 2008