Last additions - Danny Yates

DY-30a.jpgThen and NowThe old Shell station is now a Petrolimex station.Apr 10, 2012

DY-27.JPGThen and NowMarch, 2012. Modern Day Dragon Mountain. This one is on Hwy 19, south of Pleiku. The pictures are looking north. At least the roads are better.Apr 08, 2012

DY-26.JPGThen and NowMarch, 2012. A fantastic "direct match" photo comparison after 45 years. This was on the beach at Duc Pho. The beach is not as wide as it used to be, and our guide told us that it has eroded a lot. {If you go back to the photo marked "DY-11", you will see Danny's original submission.}Apr 08, 2012

DY-11.jpgAG gets the command to fire!Note one hand on the radio handset and the other on the lanyard. Also note that the Gunner places his fingers in his ears. No wonder we all have "artillery hearing".Apr 08, 2012

DYates.jpgModern Day Danny2009: Shaking hands with the "current generation" (left) while attending a Welcome Home reunion at Ft Campbell, Ky.Aug 18, 2009

DY-Clear.jpgClearance Papers"It ain't over till the paperwork is done!" Okay, boss, here's the paperwork. Goodbye!Jan 08, 2009

ComingHome.jpgMade it!Still smiling, of course. There's something about DEROS orders that does that.
Welcome Home, Brothers!Oct 04, 2008

vn#90.jpgLucky US Farmers!Wow...if those farmers in Kansas had to deal with hoppers like these, they'd be using shotgun shells instead of bug spray.Oct 04, 2008

vn#79.jpgMy Transfer Came Through! I'm in Graves Registration. Actually, survival in Vietnam meant using mother earth to protect you and not living above ground in tents. Our enemy knew this fact all too well.Oct 04, 2008

vn#48A.JPGCruisin'Watching a US tank roll through a rag-tag town looks like extreme overkill...but it isn't.Oct 04, 2008

vn#20.jpgMakeshift BunkerMay not look pretty...but it's effective! Ammo crates over a hole in the ground. A quick fix. Best if the ammo crates are empty.Oct 04, 2008

vn#37.jpgThe ClaymoreThe most common perimenter defense weapon we had was the Claymore. It fired double-ought ball bearings out of a slab of C-4. But our enemy was not stupid...they would: (a) turn them around, and (b) remove the wire connections under the cover of darkness. Always check your Claymores!Oct 04, 2008