Last additions - Ed Thomas

Buddhist_Rest.jpgSights & ScenesBuddhist Rest stop (Chapel)Mar 05, 2008

Cam_R_Bay.jpgSights & ScenesSign says "Det 1, 14th Aerial Port Squadron, Nha Trang.
(Click to enlarge)Mar 05, 2008

Tu_Lin.jpgThe Innocents of warfareTu Lin, a beautiful Vietnamese boy, was orphaned when his parents were killed in an attack. Tu Lin was "adopted" for 30 days by the men of the battery before being presented to an orphanage. Here, Tu Lin salutes his "Army Buddies".Mar 03, 2008

Atk-6.JPGAttack in progressCannoneers watch the battle in progressMar 03, 2008

Atk-7.JPGAttack in progressSmoke billows around position perimeterMar 03, 2008

Atk-4.JPGAttack in progressAttacking armed helicopter to the rightMar 03, 2008

Atk-5.JPGAftermathVC wounded in the attack attended to.Mar 03, 2008

Atk-2.JPGAttack in progressArmed CH-47 prove value in combatMar 03, 2008

atk-3.JPGAttack in progressCannoneer watches battle progressMar 03, 2008

Atk-1.JPGAttack in progressNote CH-47 gunship to the leftMar 03, 2008

AC.JPGAiming CircleLt John Murphy, XO of Delta Battery joins Lt Ed Thomas at the aiming circle.Mar 03, 2008

Well-Done.jpgBronze Star AwardLt Ed Thomas gets a congratulatory handshake from LtCol Bruce Holbrook, Battalion CommanderMar 02, 2008