Last additions - Ed Thomas

Pleiku.JPGSights & ScenesPassing by in a jeepMar 05, 2008

Market2.jpgSights & ScenesViet marketplaceMar 05, 2008

Market.jpgSights & ScenesViet Market. Vendors waiting to serve you.Mar 05, 2008

Honda_Shop.jpgSights & ScenesA Honda cycle shop. An interesting contrast of ancient culture and new.Mar 05, 2008

Hdw_Store.jpgSights & ScenesViet hardware storeMar 05, 2008

Fish_Market.jpgSights & ScenesViet Fish MarketMar 05, 2008

Drug_Store.jpgSights & ScenesViet Drug StoreMar 05, 2008

CR_Bay.jpgSights & ScenesSign says: "Welcome to Cam Rahn Bay, 14th Aerial Port Sqdn, Passenger Terminal"Mar 05, 2008

CommSupplyPt.jpgSights & ScenesCommunist Supply PointMar 05, 2008

Clothes_Shop.jpgSights & ScenesClothing ShopMar 05, 2008

Cath_Church.jpgSights & ScenesCatholic ChurchMar 05, 2008

Chu_Lai_Helipad.jpgSights & ScenesThe Helipad at Chu LaiMar 05, 2008