
Crowne_Plaza2.JPGReunion HotelBeautiful, busy, sunshiny-bright San Diego. Home of the 2015 reunion for the 35th Inf Regiment.

Crowne_Plaza~0.JPGBright & SunnyThe sun shone brightly on the reunion. The Crowne Plaza was decorated in Hawaiian-style format. The Hospitality Suite was fully stocked and loaded with the usual goodies and conveniently located in the hotel.

Poolside.JPGThe Crowne PlazaAmenities at the hotel included a courtyard pool and a waterfall.

Doc_J_Golf.JPGFriday Morning golf outingSet to tee off is Past President of the 35th, Don "Doc" Johnson. Note Don's "open foot" sandals which don't quite match the expectations for proper golfing footwear. The Starter told Don never to wear those sandals again, as they violated every military regulation on the books, including the EPA Regulation against virulent & foul smells.

Fred_Oliver_Golf.JPGJ Fred OliverRedleg J. Fred Oliver of the 2/9th, a resident and developer in San Diego, tees off on the back nine. Note the landmark called "Loma Point" sitting out in the Pacific. This is truly a scenic golf course. Fred coordinated with Don "Doc" Johnson in getting tee times for the golfers.

Back_Nine.JPGThe Golf GameScenic view taken on the back nine of the Naval Base, site of this year's golf outing in San Diego.

Selling_Tickets.JPG"You want HOW many???Terry Savely mans the Registration Table offering raffle tickets for sale. The 50/50 drawing split this year was $1,100, a nice, tidy sum to the winner. And, the winner was Ms Linda Curtis, guest of 2/9th Redleg Mike Kurtgis. She donated the winnings back to the 35th in memory of Lt Roger Fulkerson, an FO from the 2/9th serving with the 35th in the field. Roger was the best friend of Mike Kurtgis. Fulkerson was KIA in a firefight.

Photog.JPGNew photo serviceA new addition to the activities of this year's reunion in the Hospitality Suite was an "on-hand" photographer who shot many, many photos of everyone in attendance. His handiwork was promptly developed and posted on the board shown.

Photo_Display.JPGNew photo service...and the pictures kept a'coming..........

Bill_Henson.JPGLast HurrahAssociation President Bill Henson conducts his last Business Meeting on Saturday morning. Bill turned the reins of the organization over to incoming President Wiley "Tiny" Dodd, a proud veteran of the 35th's Recon Team in Vietnam. Good Luck, Wiley!

Dauphin-Farmer.JPGCONNECTED!!Participating in the Saturday morning business meeting was: (left) 1SG Jack Farmer, attending his first reunion and Dennis Dauphin, creator and Webmaster of "The Mighty Ninth" website. Jack saw my redleg hat and shirt and asked, "Did you know our FO, Lt Carlton Epps?"
Answer: You BET I do! Lt Epps was one of the more recently located redlegs of the 2/9th.

Bert_s_Condo.JPGView from the CondoRedleg Bert Landau is a part-time Condo resident in San Diego. He generously offered his Condo party room, known as the Roeder Pavilion, for the joint C-1-35 and 2/9th party. The views are spectacularly scenic.