
Angel_Fire.pdfAngel Fire - The Story Behind the photosClick on the "PDF" segment and it will open a document that tells the story of Jerry Orr's visit to a beautiful memorial originated by a Dad who never forgot the loss of his son in Vietnam.

Angel_Fire_Rainbow.jpgA rainbow blesses A beautiful rainbow blesses the Angel Fire Monument.

Angel_Fire_Entrance.jpgEntranceEntrance to the memorial park.

Park_Entrance.jpgAngel Fire EntranceEntrance to the museum.

Dr_Westphall.jpgGravesiteGravesite of the Founder, Dr. Victor Westphall, who lost his Marine Corps son in Vietnam.

Angel_Fire_Museum.JPGMemorial & MuseumThis is the museum located at Angel Fire, NM, site of a famous ski resort.


Sign_@_Angel_Fire.JPGWords of the statueThe sign accompanies the Soldier Statue at Angel Fire, NM.

Danny___Jerry_Orr.JPGVisit to the memorialDanny Fort and I were seated near the brick layers. Everyone tries to get a good spot to "set up camp." Could see all that was going on and meet a lot of people.

Bill_Kull_at_Helicopter.JPGMemorial to a son, Angel Fire, NMBill is next to Huey which had been added with the new landscaping. You see it as you drive up to the Memorial.

Group_at_Angel_Fire.JPGGathering at the memorialThe picture of Cowboy Danny Fort, Terry Stuber, Bill Kull and two of the Motorcycle Bikers we met. ALL of them were so polite and respectful to us.

Coin_Presentation.JPGPresenting the 2/9th Challenge CoinJerry Orr presents a 2/9th coin to Ms Karen German at the Angel Fire ceremonies.